Clean and Tidy Home Show
Clean and Tidy Home Show
Life after death. The important conversations you need to be having NOW with Emma, Rainbow Hunting Moments
Catch up on Tuesdays #TeaBreak with Michael @cleanandtidyhomeshow and Emma, founder of @rainbowhuntingmoments
We talk all about stuff we don’t want to talk about but absolutely should!
We talk about The Will Challenge that happened last week, you can still have access if you send a DM directly to @rainbowhuntingmoments - the course is a great way of understanding what you need In a will, what happens to your belongings after death? I’d encourage anyone watching this to take a look!
We talk about the sadmin course, which is all your life admin that needs to be in place in preparation for illness, death and big life changes.
Emmas DM’s are open for anyone that needs help!
#ShineNotShame #Sadmin #Will #LifeAdmin #Prepared #LovedOnes #Grief #Support #Rainbow #RainbowHuntingMoments