Clean and Tidy Home Show

Tea Break with Clare @clareflaxen

March 22, 2024 Clean & Tidy Home Show
Clean and Tidy Home Show
Tea Break with Clare @clareflaxen
Show Notes

Catch up on the Tea Break with Penny @cleanandtidyhomeshow and Clare @clareflaxen

Grab a cuppa and catch up now to discover:
✨️ Why it can be challenging to ask for help
✨️ How we can be better at asking for help
✨️ How we can encourage others to ask for help
✨️ Why is it good for us to help others

Psychotherapist and Mindset Strategist Clare helps to understand how important it is to be honest with yourself, find the right help at the right time, and why exchanging help can work so well ❤️